Hello everyone. I have a 75gallon tank set up right now with the following:
My water parameters are the following:
Ammonia- 0 to .5ppm
Nitrate- around 10 ppm
Nitrite- 0 ppm
GH- 150 ppm
Chlorine- 0 ppm
KH- 80 ppm
PH- 7.4
I have been told to overstock the tank to keep aggression down so I am looking to get more fish into the tank. Does anyone have any ideas of fish that would work with what I have. I really want to get a Yellow Tail Acei (Pseudotropheus Acei) but I'm not sure if that will work with what I have. Any thoughts or suggestions would be nice.
Fluval FX4 Sand substrate mixed with CaribSea Coraline crushed coral 2 Aqueon 300w heaters 2 12" airstones | 1 Taiwan Reef 1 Electric Blue Ahli 1 Blue Moori 2 OB Peacock 1 Strawberry Peacock 2 Yellow Labs 1 Sunshine Yellow Peacock 1 Venustus 1 Livingstoni 1 Blue Peacock And 1 more cichlid that I have no clue what it is. It looks like another venustus but not at the same time |
My water parameters are the following:
Ammonia- 0 to .5ppm
Nitrate- around 10 ppm
Nitrite- 0 ppm
GH- 150 ppm
Chlorine- 0 ppm
KH- 80 ppm
PH- 7.4
I have been told to overstock the tank to keep aggression down so I am looking to get more fish into the tank. Does anyone have any ideas of fish that would work with what I have. I really want to get a Yellow Tail Acei (Pseudotropheus Acei) but I'm not sure if that will work with what I have. Any thoughts or suggestions would be nice.