Seachem Cupramine Dosing


New member
I dosed my 125 gallon cichlid tank with 6ml of cupramine yesterday. Correct dosage? Supposed to retreat tomorrow am I supposed to be doing a water change first? And if so how without adding a reducing agent for the chlorine? Any help is greatly appreciated as I'm new to cichlids and first case of ich. Water temp is up to steady 86
I haven't had to use Seachem Cupramine in a while but the dosage is 1 mL for every 10.5 US gallons the first day, wait 48 hours, then repeat. For a 125 gallon aquarium that would be 10 ml each dose. It would have been best to do a large water change before starting the treatment with Cupramine. When was the last time you did a water change? What are you treating the fish for? Welcome to Cichlidaholics.
Thank you. Treating for ich. I used the 6ml as instructions say half dose for freshwater. Water change was 2 weeks ago but water parameters are almost perfect. Running a fx6 with 15 3 to 4 inch cichlids.
As long a the water parameters are good I'd add the second dose without doing a water change. Do the directions on the bottle say to do a water change before the second dose?
I'd do the second dose without doing a water change then. Just keep an eye on the water parameters. If you do wind up needing a water change before the treatment is done add another dose of Cupramine for the amount of water you add.
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