New 55 Gallon Aquarium With Under Gravel Filter


New member
Just got a new 55 gallon aquarium setup and let it run its cycle the tank. I had a under gravel filtration set up so I just use that at first but upon furthermore research I discovered nobody uses gravel bed filtration really anymore. So I bought a AquaClear fluval 50 but I'm still running the gravel bed filtration is this a bad idea? I was planning on buying another Aqua Clear Fluval 50 to add with it. I've been keeping my temp at about 78 79. My pH was a little low like 7.5 but I got it up to about 8.5 now I added 6 fish 3 days ago three Kennyi male cichlids one Demanson's Cichlid not sure sex and two Golden cichlids female. All about 1 inch. I have been testing daily and all the tests are within parameters what's my alkalinity being pretty high around 300?.
Hi and welcome to Cichlidaholics Forum. The under gravel filter will work well but with the aquarium filters on the market now days not as many people use them anymore. The down side to under gravel filtration is having to pull everything out of the aquarium and draining it to clean under the plastic plates. This doesn't need to be done often but eventually you'll have to do it. Keeping the gravel clean using a vacuum siphon will help prolong having to do this.

The fastest and easiest way to reduce alkalinity is to dilute the aquarium water with purified, low-mineral water. Reverse-osmosis or RO units produce water with almost no dissolved minerals. I'm taking it your tap water must have high alkalinity. You should probably test the tap water to see what the alkalinity is. Most recommend 10 - 18 KH alkalinity for Cichlids. Honestly I've never checked mine. I rarely test my water any more and when I do I test for ammonia, nitrites, nitrates, and PH. with that said my tap water is pretty close to what I need with the exception of the added chlorine. I also use Seachem Prime as a water conditioner and it does remove minerals so it may help lower your alkalinity.
Cool thank you for the info what do you think about just keeping the gravel filter running even though I bought a hang on the back filter
I also have been out for awhile, I like ug filters if you have a stand alone filter you can put the intake down the UGF outlets where the airstones are and get lots of the dirty stuff. My question is where is the best place to put OTB filter with a 55 gallon?
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