My 90 Gallon African Cichlid Tank


New member
My name is Pedro from Northern Illinois originally from Puerto Rico...
I'm new to African Cichlids...I just setup my 90 gallon tank about 6 weeks ago... Mainly Nbunas about 20 of them and 6 Ob peacocks and pleco.
My tank is a 90 gallons, nothing to special. Filtration 2 aqua clears 110, Aqueon 950 wave maker and 300 Eheim with some hide spaces in it and some plants...

I'll like to hear from all of you Cichlids experts out there to continue learning more in this hobby.


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Hi Pedro and welcome to the forum.

We're just getting this place setup and hoping to start getting some traffic rolling through here soon.
That's a nice looking aquarium you have there and thanks for posting the picture.
Where are you located in Illinois? I'm about 20 miles south of Chicago
I haven't been up that way in a while. I'm in Midlothian so you're about 45 minutes or so away from me.
Cool....Not to far away...Maybe on of these days we can get together to talk about this amaizing hobby...I have to tell you after keeping all kind of different species for more than 20 years I felt in love with the Cichlids is like an addiction....Jajaja but a good one....
I know the feeling about being addicted. :D About 10 years ago I got rid of my fish and had a snapping turtle that a friend of my wife gave her. Her friends husband found the snapping turtle in their backyard. When we got it, it was about the size of a silver dollar. At the time I only had a 40 gallon breeder tank so I set it up for the turtle. Within 6 months I had to get a bigger tank so I bought a 75 gallon. 6 months later I bought the 125 gallon aquarium for the turtle. After a year or so the Turtle was about 12-14 inches round and I gave it to a local reptile store that still has it. It's huge now.
But anyway after I got rid of the turtle I had 3 empty aquariums so I got back in to the fish again. I'm up to 7 aquariums now. I don't have room for any more.
Yes I know how it's. Back when I was In PR, about 24 years ago I was living with my parents still at one time I was keeping to big Pacu's in a 125, Oscars in a 75, a red ear turtle in a 40 breeder and some convicts in a 45 gallons...I meet my wife moved to Illinois so I left the hobby but after our first kid was born I got a new 50 gallons and I started with an albino Oscar, later the Oscar died and went a 90 gallons and a red dragon flowerhorn after he died I end with the tank empty and during the time that I was cleaning the tank I started thinking what should keep know? Went to the LFS and found some tiny OB peacocks with great colors and that was the beginning again....and the fever came back......
I use to go to several LFS every week on the days they got fish. The last couple of months I've stopped looking because I wind up buying more fish and really don't have the room in the aquariums. I stopped at one of the shops I deal with today and bought 9 Bristlenose Plecos. They had them on sale 3 for $10.
I've got a breeder basket in one of my aquariums now with a bunch of baby OB Peacocks. They're still pretty small but the male that fertilized the eggs is my nicest looking OB. I should wind up with some good looking fish from them.
Cool...My Nbunas and Ob are all babies around 2.5 inches.. Hope to be able to enjoy that growing process and see how they develop...
It's funny cause I did something similar today. I took my son for a follow up today and on my way back I stop over 3 LFS on the look for clown loach. I want to buy 3 or 4 for my tank, but it seems to be really hard to get them around here. I even checked 2 other FS in Wisconsin yesterday with out luck... what about your area have you seem or know of any FS that have them now?
The store I stopped at today Animal Island in Midlothian has Clown Loaches about 2" on sale I think they were $3.99. He had quite a few of them.
I'm surrounded by big pet store chains. But I found a place not far from me in Lake forest that have them, Fish Planet in Deirfield, so I'm planning to stop by tomorrow...
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