High Chloride in Water Algae Issue Losing Fish


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30 year fish enthusiast. Well water. In the last yr have been loosing fish slowly one at a time. Treated for every possible problem. No change. Had water professionally tested. Only issue was high chloride level. Tank has been unoccupied for six months but running. 180 gal w/ fx6. No lights at all. Turned lights on to start figuring out issue tank is full of green algae. No fish no plants no lights for 6 months. Any ideas? Don't know what to do at this point.
Was the water test on your tap water or tank water? If the tank has been running for 6 months with no fish it isn't cycled unless you've been adding an ammonia source. The beneficial bacteria needs ammonia to feed on. Without ammonia the tank will never cycle.
I know all of this. Not trying to cycle tank. Why do I have a tank full of algae with no fish and no light source. Water was tested directly from well. Trying to figure out if chloride could be cause of my fish loss.
It would depend on how high the chloride is. Low levels of chloride won't kill fish but high levels can. As far as the algae goes I would check the parameters on the aquarium water. Have you been doing any water changes during the 6 months the tank has had no fish in it? Are you using a water conditioner when doing water changes?
Have not done water changes during this period. New my tank would fall of quickly from no fish. Checked my perimeters regularly before this. Have been raising cichlids for years in this water. Was always big on water changes etc
Probably from not doing water changes. So there's no windows in the room this aquarium is in? Has the FX6 been running the whole 6 months to keep the water moving and surface agitation? Without knowing the parameters in the tank water it's a guessing game.
My experience says algae will not grow with out a good source. Even an outdoor pond with light source. Do you think the chloride could have any influence
I'm really not sure if the chloride would cause an algae bloom but I've never heard that it can. Did you have an algae problem when you had fish in the tank and were doing regular water changes?

I'd do a 50% water change and cover the tank for 2-3 days to black it out. If the problem continues you may need to think about getting a UV sterilizer. I'd also get the water cycled by adding a couple cheep fish or start adding an ammonia source.
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