Fish Keep Dying


New member
I have had my tank for years now. I moved last year and ever since then I cant keep any of my new fish alive they keep dying. I kept only one fish from before the move. Wanted to do an all male peacock tank. The 1 fish is still good but any other fish I add seems to die. Water test are good. Cant seen to figure out why this would be happening. Any suggestions would help. 54
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Hi, welcome to the forum. Do the new fish show any signs of being sick before they die? Are the new fish close to the same size as the old fish?
They are usually smaller but I have never seen this guy go after them. One batch had got ick but it got treated and they lived a little longer but all ended dying. Have had aleast 25 new fish die in a year.
Have you bought all the new fish from the same store? How long do the new fish live after you put them in your aquarium? Do they eat when you feed them? What temperature do you keep the water in your aquarium? The Cichlid in the picture you posted looks healthy so I'd lean toward the store you're buying the new fish from possibly being the problem.
Have tried multiple stores fish, thet eat. Last about a month or less. Tank at 78. Have had the tank for 5 years at my old house. Never a problem there. Same stores ive been using for years
I keep my aquariums at 82 degrees but 78 shouldn't be a problem. If the fish you're buying are healthy the only thing that can be causing the problem is either poor water quality, not enough water changes or the bigger Cichlid is killing them.
It could also be a combination of things happening.

What is your water change schedule & amount? Perhaps a mini-cycle occurring after the new fish additions may be playing a part. Whenever I add new fish I always do a 50% water change after 48 hrs while continuing my scheduled 75% weekly water change.

Make sure and feed the tank very lightly the first 3 weeks after adding fish. Don't worry about the fish getting enough food during this time as you may be saving their lives as opposed to gorging them with food thinking you're doing them good.

For new fish the above factors, combined with even light aggression, can cause enought stress to get them sick and kill them.

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